Trader Wellness: Intention Setting

The Benefits Of Intention Setting Vs Goal Setting


In our final thoughts on trader wellness this month I would like to take some time to talk about intention setting. Intention setting can be a little bit different from goal setting, although both are coming from the same vein. In intention setting we are learning what we want for our future but leaving it open for how to get there. For example we know that pretty much all of us would like to be happy, but what does happiness mean and look like? Each of us can have pretty different ideas of what happiness means for ourselves that often shift over our lives. So instead of forming just a goal that has something very specific in mind that we think will make us happy, it may be beneficial for some of us to have a more vague intention and let life reveal to us what we need to accomplish that intention. This is not meant to replace goals completely, but for us to enjoy our lives right now as well as better understand why we have the goals that we have.


Another reason why I like the idea of intention setting over goal setting is it allows us time in our lives to explore how different ways of life feel for us. If you look back at when you were a teenager and you were visualizing your life where you are now, you probably had a lot of priorities that don't matter to you anymore. The risk of having a very specific goal is that your priorities change and with a long set goal by the time you reach it, you no longer want those things. Also, another issue that can arise from really closeminded goal setting is you don't allow yourself to enjoy your journey. Goals are something in the long term and if we make ourselves hold off on enjoyment and happiness along the way we will lose sight of what life is really about. It is not about having tunnel vision for a final goal, but enjoying the journey along the way. To help set some intentions for your life, follow this guide below.

1 - What is your Intention for your Life

What do you hope to feel from your life? When you are old and looking back do you want adventure, success, happiness, love, family? List the things you want adding details when needed. Note that this list may only be a couple items long happiness and love could just be it or maybe family and wealth, there are no rules here that it must be all that long or short of a list.

2 - Feel these Intentions Today

Now, take those items you listed and see how you can feel those intentions today. How can you be happy? Experience family or adventure? Become aware of the blessings you already have in your life, instead of letting the visions of the future cloud your appreciation of the present. Chances are you are already enjoying the fruits of your hard work but maybe are failing to acknowledge it.

3 - What is not Serving your Intentions

Finally, start a new list of things that are not serving your end goal or your current intentions. Of course not everything in your life will be something you cherish or enjoy, but things that actively hinder your ability to enjoy the life you have created for yourself deserve to be eliminated from your life. This can include hobbies, jobs, relationships, habits and so on.


Intention setting is in no way to completely replace long term goals, but it seems that a lot of us lose our present life in the shuffle of building a future. Of course anyone trading is very aware of the future and is making efforts to secure something great for themselves but we must not forget to nurture what we have right now. Not only does tunnel vision affect our performance and lives but also it isn't even promised. The only thing we know we have is right now, if we waste it there is no guarantee that we will get a second shot. So take stock of your life, love what you have and keep striving for your future while enjoying your present. What did you think of our Trader Wellness series? Visit our blog at to see the other parts in the series. Reach out at with your comments and questions.