Improve your Mindset with these 5 Tips

Quick Ways To Instantly Improve Mindset


We have been talking a lot about hacking our mindset lately, but perhaps you are not ready to go through the whole journey of self discovery or perhaps you feel it is not necessary that you pretty much already know all of this information. For whatever the reason is that you don't feel prepared to go through this journey at the moment it doesn't mean that you have to bypass the whole training. There are plenty of quick and easy ways to identify problems in your mindset and get to fixing them. For those without the time to dedicate to the more complicated exercises, here are five ways to improve your mindset instantly.

1 - Watch your Inner Dialog

Perhaps you think you talk to other people for most of the day, but this is a lie. We talk to ourselves constantly, whether audible or not, and the nature of this conversation will determine a lot on how we see our lives and our day. Check your inner dialog often throughout the day. If you find yourself beating yourself up or name calling yourself stop it immediately. If you can't shake the negative cycle, give yourself a hard reset via a splash of water on the face, a snack or drink or a walk around the block.

2 - Look for Keywords

If you find yourself saying to others or to yourself words like always and never watch very carefully where you are heading. Very rarely do these words lead to a good conversation. Usually this is the beginning of blaming, martyrdom or victimhood thinking. If you say “I am always messing things up.” rephrase it as something along the lines of  “This task is a challenge to me but I will get it eventually.” It sounds silly, but words matter. The same way someone can hurt you with a cutdown or insult, you hurt yourself with this language.


3 - Check you Circles

Sometimes the trigger is on the outside. Check your friends and the people you hang out with. Even casual acquaintances or coworkers sharing lunch can harm your mindset if they themselves are very negative. If you are around complainers, gossips and people who use the danger keywords all the time, look for ways to avoid them. Perhaps they aren't always like this or you are close enough to them to offer the advice of changing their narratives, but if you aren't it is better to simply avoid these people. Those who you hang out around do shape you. And eventually, even that downer co-worker can cause you to have a bad day in your internal dialog.

4 - Keep up with The Habit

Once you are aware of your triggers and weaknesses in your mindset, it is easier to fix them and create positive habits to break the cycle. Start the habit of watching your internal dialog carefully. Setup accountability partners with your close friends and loved ones. Tell them to point out to you when you are going into a cycle of negative self talk so you can snap out of it. Of course we all need to destress sometimes but there is a difference between explaining a bad situation and ruminating over it again and again until you can't sleep that night.


5 - Hard Reset

I am always a fan of when something isn't working no matter how hard you try then you need a hard reset. Just like turning off the printer and turning it back on to get it to magically start working again, sometimes all we need is the same application for our brain. A hard reset can be an intense cardio practice, meditation, an hour of no stimulus, cooking a complex dinner, doing a puzzle basically anything that requires your full brain to concentrate on something else other than the problem that was plaguing you before for at least 15 minutes. Avoid television, social media scrolling, online shopping and addictive things like drinking and smoking. While all of the above have their times and places in our lives, they are not suitable for a hard reset. After you complete your reset task, come back to the issue if it needs to be solved or let it be forgotten as it likely needs to be.

Have you tried any of these tips? Let us know your thoughts and questions at